Sunday 30 August 2009

I'm Back! And More Married than Ever!

Mrs and Mister Imaginary Reviewer, just after tying the knot

Hey chaps, I'm back from Maui, a great time was had by all and Future Mrs Imaginary Reviewer left the "Future" part of that name in the grounds of a plantation house by the sea. I have about five hundred blog posts to read (or skim, or just click "Mark as Read"), so please forgive me if I don't comment on everything just yet.

Oh, and have no fear: the wedding will be imaginary reviewed.

Finally: The following people did not update their blogs while I was away, but please do not take this to mean that we are one and the same: Falwless, Words Words Words, John Hodgeman, my Brother-in-Law, G. Henry. Thank you.


Dale said...

I'd review this post for you but it would be one word: happy, as in happy that I'm back too! :-)

BeckEye said...

YAY! And congrats. Your bride is lovely. I'm relieved to find out that she is not imaginary.

Cooper Green said...

Congratulations. I see you wore formal head bag for the occasion. In Hawaii, I thought you might go with a nice floral shroud, or a huge mahimahi pulled over your head. Something a little less dressy.

Mr London Street said...

Congratulations! At first I thought you had Photoshopped that wedding picture but now I'm beginning to wonder if you actually look like that.

katrocket said...

Hey welcome back! I love the victory stances in that photo - it's like you're the Olympic Champions of marriage! I look forward to the imaginary review of your big day...

Some Guy said...

Congrats to you and the missus! I have been imagining reviews of things in your absence and it just isn't the same.

Red said...

Congrats!We've missed you ever so much.

Soda and Candy said...

Aw, congratulations on having a much fancier wedding than mine (yes, even allowing for the head-bag).

words...words...words... said...

Congratulations! You have struck a blow for men who want to both marry a pretty girl and wear their shirt untucked at the wedding! It's a difficult exacta.

Also, I would be happy for people to confuse me for you or John Hodgeman. That bitch Falwless can fend for herself.

The Imaginary Reviewer said...

Dale: Cheers!

Beckeye: Not half as relieved as she was...

Cooper Green: The mahimahi didn't go with my sandals.

Mr LS: What can I say? She fell for my personality, not my baggish looks.

Katrocket: I dare anyone to resist the victory poses after twenty months of planning!

Some Guy: Really? You should send some my way!

Red: And I missed you all too.

S&C: It wasn't that fancy. I was wearing floral Hawaii boxer shorts. (True story)

WWW: I'm living the dream! Oh, and I've just seen that you actually did post while I was away. I'm not sure why Google Reader was lying to me. Ah well. And I've never seen you or John Hodgeman in the same room at the same time, so I'm still quietly suspicious.

Gwen said...

You both look so very happy, even while being attacked by a flight of tiny birds. Congrats!

Daltana said...

Congrats on the wonderful day. None of us can wait for the imaginary review of the hotel in Egypt where you spent your honeymoon. Just be aware of the dangers of the pool.

(Google search "girl pregnant hotel pool Egypt" for more info)

Brother Tobias said...

Oh god - another blog I have to follow. I read this, and a contented smile ran across my face. Also, Mrs Imaginary Reviewer is hot.