HUZZAH!! Thank you, Mister Samuraifrog! Your appreciation of my blog is highly appreciated! Alas, I am left with no more imaginary blogs to laud, so I will again bring your attention to some of my favourite (albeit non-existent) blogs. But first, the small print:
1) You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award, creativity, design, interesting material, and also contributes to the blogger community, no matter of language.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3) Each award-winning, has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
4) Award-winning and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of "Arte y Pico" blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5) To show these rules.
That done, I will now nominate the following blogs for this award:
icantfindmykeys.blogspot.com: One man's unending quest to locate his front door keys. He can't leave the house until he does so, and he's been trapped inside for nearly nine months now. The food is running out, and he's getting more and more crazy.
roboticsandwich.blogspot.com: Making sandwiches using robots for fun and profit.
jilldeaconstwinshrine.blogspot.com: A shrine to the identical sister of actress Jill Deacon, written by a man who can't remember her name.
chipschipschipschipschips.blogspot.com: A misleadingly-titled blog about horses.
lotsbetterthenlotsbetterthenyourblog.blogspot.com: A new contender to Falwless's crown?
In other news, apologies for the lax updates recently, I've been jumping through hoops for immigration bureaucrats and away for a while. All is now done, I am happy and I have a big list of ideas, including a new (and exciting) feature. Stay tuned folks!
Screw those Arte y Pico people anyways. I mean, they can't even spell.
This award is sooo important. Well, it WAS important when I won it but I guess it's still a bit.
I'm pretty sure Arte Y Pico is holed up right now in some big ass mansion reaping the sweet, sweet rewards of having this shitty award travel the entire globe of mediocre Blogger blogs, like yours and mine (and not to mention the terrible blogs, like Dr Zibbs').
I would seriously love it if someone made lotsbetterthenlotsbetterthenyourblog. That would be so awesome I might die of awesome overload.
(P.S. Sorry I've been a terrible commenter recently.)
Mo: Yeah! Have you seen their website? It's rubbish. All nonsense words and stuff.
Zibbiddy Zoo Zah: Mock if you will, but I can now sleep at night, knowing I have made into the same hallowed halls as yourself and falwless.
Falwless: Someone should start an award meme, given to those awards that you deem 'not bad, if you like that sort of thing'. You could start by giving one to Mathdude.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA TIR. Dude, that was hilarious.
Ok so being gullible I entered those urls into my internet-making-screen and guess what? Icantfindmykeys.blogspot.com is a real site. A really freaking weird one.
Also, although chipchipchipchipchipc.blogspot.com doesn't exist,
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