Thursday 6 August 2009

In which the Imaginary Reviewer apologises for his absence

Some of my more eagle-eyed readers may have noticed a bit of a lessening of my Imaginary Output recently. I'm sorry for that, but there are good reasons, which I'll come to shortly.

Sadly for you, the fans, this dearth of review-based hilarity will continue for a few more weeks, with (hopefully) occasional posts added intermittently.

The extremely good reason for this recent and upcoming radio silence is that on Monday I shall be boarding a plane bound for a small island that rhymes with "Howie", where I'll be staying for several weeks. My reason for going? Well, let's put it this way: In two weeks' time, Future Mrs Imaginary Reviewer will have lost the "Future" part of her name. I'm sure you'll agree, this is exciting news, especially as it makes things a bit easier to say.

So for the next few weeks any posts will be ones that I've written in advance and posted to the future using Blogger's super magical future blogging tool. My comments on your blogs will be even more rare than they are at the moment. But I promise I shall return, a wiser, more tanned and more eager Reviewer, ready to tickle your chuckle spots with my inane rantings.

On that note, I shall say: This isn't goodbye. It's merely see you later.


Red said...

Congrats to you both! Make sure to visit Haleakala, but skip the road to Hana...unless you like puking.

Gwen said...

SQUEEEEE! I love weddings and tropical vacations and tans and names getting easier to say and getting my chuckle spots tickled!

Have a great time! Congratulations, you crazy kids!

Soda and Candy said...

Damn it! Yet another person actually going on my imaginary vacations.

Er, I mean... I'm so happy for you!!!

: )

Some Guy said...

Congratulations to both of you! I will throw imaginary rice in your honor! I may even imagine I'm getting drunk at the reception and hitting on your Aunt Sally.

words...words...words... said...

Congratulations, and I hope for the sake of you and the Future Mrs. that your trip is not Imaginary.

Cooper Green said...

Outstanding! Congratulations to you both. I can hardly wait for the reviews. Will they be here? I can write them if you like, but I will need to be invited, of course. Let me know!

Clippy Mat said...

I was going to wish you Happy Happy but I think the previous commenter beat me to it??
good luck :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey congratulations to you both!!! You'll be getting "lei-ed". Sorry, I had to go there.

Feisty Democrat said...

I'm confused, is Mrs. Imaginary Reviewer imaginary?

Tabitha said...

Oh That comment that is all in Chinese is about porno, I'm sorry, I cannot explain the content of that post, apart from that someone is spamming on behalf of a poor defenseless toy. Maybe it is imaginary porn?

I'm sorry.

However, congrats and all.

katrocket said...

I hope you two are having a fabulous, romantic experience of a lifetime. Congrats Mr & Mrs I.R.!

mo.stoneskin said...

And I just thought you didn't love me any more.


Mr London Street said...

I want to read the imaginary review of the wedding night complete with imaginary consummation.

Only kidding.

(not really)

BeckEye said...

Congrats to you, sir! And thank you for interrupting your honeymoon to comment on my blog! It was the proper British thing to do, I suppose, considering the subject matter. But I really hope you weren't in the middle of anything.